My Fitness Journey

A daily chronicle of my quest for ultimate fitness.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Heat Training

JEEZ. So I figured I needed to get used to running in the heat in preparation for the Cigna 5K in August. It was 94 degrees Saturday (95 if you count the heat index), so after sunning myself in a tube top and shorts out on my balcony (there's a small visual for my male readers), I decided to try out my new performance rapid-dri shirt on the trail.

I'm glad I had the shirt, but I really took an ass kicking on the trail. It wasn't very humid (40%), so I couldn't understand why I was struggling so much. I'm happy to say that sweat poured off my head, but not anywhere inside the shirt (a sweaty back has to be one of the most uncomfortable feelings). I'm not sure if I like the fit, but I did get the thumbs up from two Latin males lounging on a picnic table. That may or may not be a good thing.

Today I ran in lower temps (75ish) but higher humidity (48%). It was a little easier. I need more hot weather gear. Like some Nike cool max tights or something. I'm intimidated by the heat. It makes me nervous about August. But this was only day 2 of heat training, so I'm sure I'll feel better about it within a few weeks [fingers crossed].


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