My Fitness Journey

A daily chronicle of my quest for ultimate fitness.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

It's Finally Getting Easier

After my 4 mile run, I felt a lot better about distances. Yesterday I ran 3.25 miles on the track, because, really, why not? It's such a mental game, you build up a number in your head as a big challenge, and it becomes harder than it actually is.

It's now taking me about a mile to warm up, so what's two more after that? For the next few weeks, I would like 3 miles to be my norm, and throw in a 4 miler here and there, and once that feels pretty good, progress from there.

I really need to plan some new routes. I prefer city streets. There's lots to look at and lots of people around, so it's not that eery "it's just me and that crazy looking person over there" feeling.

Trails are nice if you're familiar with the area and can keep your sense of direction. I got a little lost at one of our state parks, but I have a fairly good sense of where I am most of the time, so even though I couldn't find the path I started on, I was able to get back to the road.

Speaking of the state park, it seems like a lovely place to have a picnic with someone nice. They even have a little store at the "beach" in case you forgot the drinks. Although I envision a wine/cheese/fruit type of picnic finished with a piece of very good chocolate, followed by a stroll into the wilderness for a little...

Oh. My mind wandered for a second there.

My love life should get back on track pretty soon before something crazy happens. I've been flirting with the retired older man at work far too much lately.

Fun run planned for tomorrow. It'll be fun but semi-serious, as I am looking to cover my 3 miles. Pure fun runs happen on the treadmill at the gym. After a good lift, sometimes I say to myself, "Hey, Beck. Hop on that thing and run as fast as you can for as long as you can". Then I wheel and deal with myself as I go along. I swear, it's like an inner training partner talking to me. It's supportive but challenging. And not do-or-die challenging, more like a friendly dare.

Ok, enough about the voices in my head and thoughts of uh, other things.


At Mon Aug 22, 11:56:00 PM EDT, Blogger sam said...

wow~ you're running in very long distances.

keep it up~ and wish you well.

At Tue Aug 23, 12:02:00 AM EDT, Blogger Becky said...

Ha! I guess "long distances" is a relative term. When I first started out, I didn't think I could finish a 5k without walking. Now I'm running 4 miles. It still doesn't seem very long to me. I think when my long run hits 8-10 miles, that will feel like a long distance.

Thank you for the support! :)

At Tue Aug 30, 09:48:00 AM EDT, Blogger sam said...

hey, becky~ how are you doing?
keep updating with your runs, ok?
wish you all well ;]


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