First Non-Running Running Injury
So I ran into a fence yesterday. Well, a fence gate. I had a fun run all planned... run two miles on the track, leave the track and run the short distance to the trail, run that, run back to the track and run two more miles, then finish off with another run on the trail.
As I neared the end of my first two miles on the track, I got antsy. Running in circles for eight laps is a little mind numbing. As I finished the last lap, I ran towards the gate to leave the track. I flung the gate open to run through. Unfortunately, it popped back at me and the gate latch hit me square in the shoulder/upper bicep.
Man did that hurt! I almost stopped... but then I thought that keeping my blood circulating by running would most likely speed the healing, so I kept going. I'm not sure if the field groomer saw or heard me gasp, but I was in too much pain to be embarrassed. The rest of my run was okay, but when I stepped out of the shower later on... OUCH.
I have a small bruise, NOTHING like what it should look like considering how it feels!
At least it's not an overuse injury!